Mr. Thomas Friedman’s latest Op Ed piece in the New York Times talks about BeyondCore as an example of how small companies are acting multinationally, and he also quotes yours truly. This article titled "Big Ideas and No Boundaries" appears in today’s (October 6th) New York Times and is also available on the
New York Times website. Unfortunately you need a TimesSelect account to view it, but they do offer a free 14 day trial. I realize this article does not relate directly to Rational Outsourcing but I could not help bragging about it on this blog.
On a more serious note though, over the last week I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Friedman for more than two hours. I came away from these conversations with a deep appreciation for his ideas and his way of thinking. I am right now working on an article based on some of the ideas triggered by our conversations. I will post parts of the article on this blog soon.
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